In a recent interview, I had the opportunity to discuss Corporate Digital Responsibility (CDR) and its crucial role in today’s digital age. As an expert in CDR with over 20 years of experience in the information and communication industry and the founder of WiseWay, I am passionate about advocating for digital responsibility for people, society, and the environment. I am glad to see that more companies adressing the issue. I would like to thank EOS financial solutions for the opportunity to contribute and for featuring my book.

The concept of CDR emerged as a response to the rapid growth of digitalization. This rapid growth, particularly the dominance of mobile internet and related services, has outpaced legislation, leading to a lack of transparency in how our data is managed and exploited. However, there is a growing global awareness and initiatives are now being introduced to address this issue. For instance, the German Ministry of Justice is introducing a CDR Code, and mature programs are already in effect in France, Poland, the UK, and Switzerland, among others. Additionally, an international initiative known as the „CDR Manifesto“ is also in progress, inviting organizations to declare their commitment to CDR based on seven principles.

Even though these initiatives are currently voluntary, companies should see CDR as a massive opportunity rather than a burden. The digital age has bred a deficit of trust related to digitalization. Organizations that can instill a sense of trust in their digital activities will be at an advantage, especially in areas like employer branding, which are crucial for attracting generations Y and .

Introducing CDR in an organization is a process that should start small. Authenticity is key and if trust and transparency are part of how you want to do business, CDR will enhance all areas. The STEFI model, which I propose, provides five principles and a process for trustworthy data management: Stewardship, Transparency, Empowerment, Fairness, and Impact.

The world is witnessing a convergence of interests that hasn’t yet reached its peak. Sooner or later, society, particularly the upcoming digital natives, will expect CDR. Those organizations that choose to be early adopters will be the first to increase the trust of their clients, the first to be transparent with their employees, and the first to appeal to the future workforce. This window of opportunity won’t last forever, and digital responsibility, apart from the competitive advantage it brings, simply makes sense from a humane perspective.


EOS Group (2023)  What is Corporate Digital Responsibility and why is it important? Interview with Dr. Saskia Dörr. Link to the article at 

Saskia Dörr

Als Ihre Digital Sherpa bei WiseWay und Pionierin nachhaltiger KI bringe ich über 20 Jahre Erfahrung aus der Informations- und Kommunikationsbranche mit. Als Expertin für Digital Responsibility, Nachhaltigkeitsmanagerin und Gründerin von WiseWay begleite ich Sie verantwortungsvoll durch die digitale Transformation. Gemeinsam setzen wir Maßstäbe in ethischer Digitalisierung. Lassen Sie uns ins Gespräch kommen!

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