Happy about my first English article on Corporate Digital Responsibility. It is an opportunity to share ideas and thoughts with a larger community of entrepreneurs and managers. Many thanks to Rob Price, who provides this platform and has supported me.

The article has the title „The fusion of Digitalisation and Sustainability: Existing tools and new fields of action combine to Corporate Digital Responsibility“ and you can find it here https://corporatedigitalresponsibility.co.uk/blog/f/the-fusion-of-digitalisation-and-sustainability

The article provides five reasons why it is worthwhile for entrepreneurs and leaders to take a look at the  convergence of digitalisation and sustainability in more detail.

  • Digitalisation and sustainability are key areas of influence for the global economy.
  • Digitalisation promotes sustainability.
  • Digitalisation is itself a challenge for fair, just and environmentally friendly development.
  • Digital business has its own „undesirable side effects“ and creates risks for society and companies.
  • Corporate responsibility is evolving into Corporate Digital Responsibility.

This is the translated and slightly adapted English version of an article published on in the FAZ Magazin Verantwortung and here 2019. The German article „Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit zusammen denken“ is available here https://wiseway.de/digitalisierung-und-nachhaltigkeit-zusammen-denken/.

Looking forward to comments!

Saskia Dörr

Als Ihre Digital Sherpa bei WiseWay und Pionierin nachhaltiger KI bringe ich über 20 Jahre Erfahrung aus der Informations- und Kommunikationsbranche mit. Als Expertin für Digital Responsibility, Nachhaltigkeitsmanagerin und Gründerin von WiseWay begleite ich Sie verantwortungsvoll durch die digitale Transformation. Gemeinsam setzen wir Maßstäbe in ethischer Digitalisierung. Lassen Sie uns ins Gespräch kommen!

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