Embracing Corporate Digital Responsibility: Navigating AI in the Workplace for 2030

Embracing Corporate Digital Responsibility: Navigating AI in the Workplace for 2030

I am thrilled to share with you an important result from my latest work around AI. The book chapter is titled „Artificial Intelligence demands Corporate Digital Responsibility (CDR): Aligning the moral compass for employees in AI-enabled workplaces“, and it delves into the intricate relationship between AI, the world of work, and the rising need for Corporate Digital Responsibility. It is part of this great anthology of Inka Knappertsbusch and Kai Gondlach on „Work and AI 2030“. On almost 400 pages they collected insights and outlooks on the influence of AI on everyday working life, explanations based on practical tips and impact of AI on the world of work in 2030. Cordially thanks to Inka and Kai for their guidance the opportunity to contribute in this trendsetting management book!Book cover Work and AI 2030

The advent of AI in workplaces is inevitable and powerful, enhancing productivity and efficiency. However, it also introduces a new set of challenges related to ethics, privacy, and fairness. In writing this chapter, I aimed to shed light on these challenges and to provide actionable insights for organizations striving to navigate this brave new world of AI.

The concept that stands at the heart of this chapter is Corporate Digital Responsibility (CDR). As AI technologies pervade our workplaces, CDR is becoming an imperative, not an option. But what does CDR mean for your organization? It involves designing and implementing an organizational framework that can successfully manage the complex issues arising from the use of AI in workplaces.

My goal in this chapter is to help you understand that the introduction of AI ethics and governance isn’t a standalone solution. Instead, it requires a holistic approach, embedded within the fabric of your organization, setting a new ‚moral compass‘ for the digital age.

One of the unique aspects of this chapter is its practical approach. It offers guidance on how to leverage CDR as a strategic tool for gaining competitive advantage, building trust with stakeholders, and creating a culture of digital responsibility.

I believe that this chapter will provide valuable insights to anyone interested in the intersection of AI and the workplace – be it entrepreneurs, managers, or AI enthusiasts. More than ever, it is important for us to understand and act upon the responsibilities we hold in this increasingly digital world. I invite you to join me on this journey as we navigate the challenges and opportunities that AI presents in the world of work.

Happy reading!

Dörr, Saskia (2023) Artificial Intelligence demands Corporate Digital Responsibility (CDR): Aligning the moral compass for employees in AI-enabled workplaces. In: Knappertsbusch, Inka & Gondlach, Kai. Work and AI 2030. Challenges and Strategies for Tomorrow’s Work. Springer Wiesbaden. https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-658-40232-7?sap-outbound-id=1ABE5469D71E3E9E2477D0FBDE7C9778E2873792