Sustainability Expertise at Your Fingertips, Every Day

Welcome to Ethos Advisor

Your AI-driven consultant for Corporate Sustainability. Enhance your strategy with daily insights and validate your decisions with WiseWay.

Bridging Technology and Sustainability

In an era where technology shapes our lives and environment, Ethos Advisor by WiseWay stands at the crossroads of digital innovation and sustainability. Our mission is to guide business leaders and entrepreneurs in the Digital & Tech sectors towards integrating sustainable practices into their strategies and everyday businesses. We believe in creating a future where technology advances hand in hand with ethical and environmental responsibility.

Empowering Sustainability with AI and Expert Validation

Ethos Advisor by WiseWay combines the immediacy and scalability of AI with the depth and reliability of expert consultancy. Our mission is to provide Corporate Sustainability Officers, business leaders, and strategic teams with instant access to AI-driven sustainability insights and the option to validate these insights through WiseWay, our consulting boutique partner.

Ethos Advisor enhances your Sustainability Manager Expertise, empowering you to integrate sustainable practices into your business strategies effectively. Together, we pave the way for informed, ethical, and sustainable business practices. 

Here is the photorealistic image of an owl in turquoise, inspired by the style elements reminiscent of Jeff Koons. The owl's expression and demeanor aim to convey curiosity, knowledge, and trust, set against a white background to accentuate its vibrant color and expressive characteristics.

Why Ethos Advisor?

Your Daily AI-Powered Sustainability Partner

  • AI-Driven Consultant: Ethos Advisor is your go-to AI consultant, offering daily guidance and actionable insights tailored to your sustainability goals.
  • Validation by Experts: Extend your confidence with WiseWay. After Ethos Advisor sets your strategic direction, WiseWay’s team can assess and validate the AI’s recommendations, ensuring alignment with your business’s values and objectives.
  • Customized for Leaders: Designed specifically for the needs of Corporate Sustainability Officers, business leaders, and strategic teams, Ethos Advisor and WiseWay together offer a comprehensive solution for navigating sustainability challenges.
image of the owl in a bustling sustainable office environment with humans. The owl is observing the office activities, adding a unique touch to the eco-conscious workspace.

How It Works

Seamless Integration of AI and Expertise
Ethos Advisor provides daily AI-driven insights directly to your inbox or preferred communication channel, allowing immediate application and strategic planning. When deeper analysis or validation is required, WiseWay steps in to assess Ethos Advisor’s recommendations, offering a detailed review and additional advisory services as needed.

Services Offered

Tailored Sustainability Solutions

  • Ethos Advisor Subscription: Enjoy daily access to Ethos Advisor, your AI-driven sustainability consultant. Get actionable insights tailored to your industry and sustainability goals.
  • WiseWay Assessment Services: Engage with WiseWay for in-depth analyses of Ethos Advisor’s recommendations. Our boutique consultancy offers personalized assessments, ensuring that your sustainability strategies are not only innovative but also practical and aligned with global standards.

Our Responsibility

Our Ethos Advisor is more than an AI-driven Corporate Sustainability consultant; we embed ethical and sustainable principles into its very design.

Discover Ethos Advisor: Your AI-Powered Sustainability Guide

Embark on a journey to redefine sustainability within your organization with Ethos Advisor. Explore the capabilities of Ethos Advisor through a curated showcase and sample chats that illuminate the path towards sustainability in the digital and tech sectors.

Ethos Advisor Showcase and Sample Chats

Responsible Management: Key Steps. Learn how to lay the groundwork for respo nsible management within your organization, ensuring that your business practices align with the highest ethical and sustainability standards. For detailed answer see Responsible Management: Key Steps  (Link to

Integrate Sustainability in Strategy. Discover strategies to weave sustainability into the very fabric of your business operations, transforming challenges into opportunities for innovation and growth. For detailed answer see Integrate Sustainability in Strategy (Link to

CSR in Digital Tech. Explore how Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) can be effectively implemented in the digital and technology sectors, addressing specific needs and challenges unique to these fields. For detailed answer see CSR in Digital Tech (Link to

Engage with Ethos Advisor on ChatGPT

Dive deeper into sustainable business practices with Ethos Advisor directly on ChatGPT. A GPT Plus subscription unlocks full access to Ethos Advisor’s extensive knowledge base and interactive advisory sessions. Whether you’re looking to start a conversation or seek detailed guidance, Ethos Advisor is ready to assist.

Exemplary Prompt Starters to Explore with Ethos Advisor

  • How can I set up a digital ethics framework for our company?
  • What are the first steps in adopting responsible management practices?
  • How can I integrate sustainability into my digital business strategy effectively?
  • What are relevant metrics for non-financial reporting on specific issues in digital and tech?
  • Can you provide a business example for responsible practices in the digital realm?
Logo des Ethos Advisor auf der Chat GPT Startseite

Test Ethos Advisor by yourself!

Click on the picture to access Ethos Advisor on Open AI. Login and GPT Plus subscription is needed.

Please note that Ethos Advisor is still in the design and development phase. But its recommendations are already amazingly helpful!

Access with courtesy of WiseWay – all rights reserved

Start your Path to Sustainable Leadership now

Initiate your journey with Ethos Advisor and gain the option to validate your strategies through WiseWay. Contact us to learn more about our subscription plans and consulting services. Let’s transform your sustainability approach with the power of AI and expert validation.